Who Says Gift is A Luck?

A teenage wrote that her friend looked as luck as Argus McSwine. Each time the friend goes for door prize or lottery, she always wins. Then each people say that she’s a lucky one. Once there was a lottery and the lucky girl prefers not submitting for it. Then her friends accuses her snobbish. So the lucky girl joined only for “pleasing” her fellas. And guess what, the lucky girl won again!

The teenage asked in her blog, is there anyone that lucky? Always lucky in every circumstances? I was gonna answer her, but there had been too many people commenting there and I didn’t think my comment would mean much. So instead, I decided to write it in my blog.. :-p


My mom won a radio compo many years ago. Accidentally, she got it coz her bank account won a lottery. It was a gift, and she kept it well.

But then, my mom was bored to listen to the radio. Radio nowadays play lotta of heavy metal, while she preferred seventies. Finally she just let the radio laid on the coffee table and long then, the radio didn’t work. The sound was dimmed, and it was a lotta noise. I was confused, how could a radio be ruined though we never used it? Was it coz it was old or it “got upset” coz we never used it?

I said, we’d rather throw the radio away. Some tramp would take it and sell it to electrical engineering students. But my mom refused wasting it, coz it was a door prize. She preferred serve it to technician.

Day by day, months have changed, and it’s been years, but my mom keeps leaving the radio in her room’s corner and hasn’t fixed it yet. I got upset. If the radio wasn’t there, the table could be used for putting my dad’s glasses coz he loves reading before sleep. Don’t they think that each inches count?


That’s a small example. I have an aunt who works for a small clinic. A few years been working there, the clinic’s owner pays her for haji pilgrimage at Mecca. She was so excited. Coz going to Mecca costs a lot, and my aunt couldn’t afford it.

Then years are gone by. My aunt is getting old. Inflations keep going on and the stuffs’ price raising higher. But my aunt don’t get more salary. While I’m sure, if only she’d work for some other place, she could live a better life.

Now she’s been more than 50. She should be retired soon. It was a heavy the working burden she’s been carrying about and she can’t get holiday even just a day. If she wanna have holiday, she must find someone for replacing her so the clinic keeps operating. But there’s no other doctor who agrees to work right there, coz the salary is too small.

My aunt doesn’t wanna get retired, either. Coz without working (in that place), she feels useless. I think she’s afraid of losing herself more than losing her job. Moreover, I feel she’s not comfy to resign coz she feels owe to the clinic’s owner who has paid her for haji pilgrimage.


Job, reward, and door prize. People often assume it as luck. We often forget that getting it sometimes lead for problems. My mom’s radio makes my pops losing space for placing things. Job troubles my aunt for retired. And free haji pilgrimage scares my aunt to resign.

Actually it’s all depending on how we manage the things that we’ve gotten. Gift may be a luck, but it can lead to suck. Any gift comes to other people, don’t always make good in our own hands. That’s why, let the gift not make us being luck, but it rather makes us being blessed.

24 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. rio
    May 18, 2010 @ 17:12:33

    keberuntungan, ada orang yang membutuhkannya sementara yang lain tidak

    kalo aku mendapat hadiah, yang tidak terlalu kubutuhkan, maka hadiah tersebut akan kuhadiahkan kepada orang lain yang membutuhkannya 🙂

    tentu saja tanpa sepengetahuan orang yang memberiku hadiah, karena itu akan menyakiti hatinya bila melihat aku tidak membutuhkan hadiah pemberiannya


  2. ariefborneo
    May 18, 2010 @ 20:18:40

    Met mlam mba…door prize hanya bgi orang yg bruntung dan brnasib baik saja yg bsa mendapatkanx….!!!


  3. gaelby
    May 18, 2010 @ 20:54:48

    “it’s all depending on how we manage the things that we’ve gotten” by: Vicky
    sy spakat 1000% 🙂 dan yg lebih penting lagi adalah bagaimana kita me-syukuri apa yg ada.
    nice to be here, slam kenal n good luck !


    • Vicky Laurentina
      May 18, 2010 @ 21:29:23

      Betul, Pak Gaelby. Kalau kita bersyukur atas rejeki yang berada di tangan kita, saya rasa rejeki itu akan jadi berkah juga. Asalkan bersyukur itu nggak cuma dengan bicara, tapi juga menggunakannya untuk hal bermanfaat.

      Salam kenal balik 🙂


  4. Latree@Dandelion
    May 19, 2010 @ 08:16:29

    gift is surely not a luck. a bless, maybe – depends on what you’d do about it….


  5. pakde sulas
    May 19, 2010 @ 11:52:59

    terkadang keberuntungan itu memang harus ada yang dikorbankan( tidak beruntung), sebab tidak mungkin semua manusia beruntung bukan


    • Vicky Laurentina
      May 19, 2010 @ 12:17:58

      Kalau saya sih melihat keberuntungan itu dari sudut pandang lain, Pak Sulas. Ketidakberuntungan seseorang barangkali bermakna keberuntungan yang lain itu sudah menunggunya di tempat lain.


  6. budiarnaya
    May 19, 2010 @ 11:53:59

    suatu pemberian orang sebagai hadiah itu adalah penghargaan buat kita, mungkin kalau saya akan tetap dipertahankan sampai kapanpu….trims atas kunjungannya mbak, make your life useful to others


  7. Ria
    May 19, 2010 @ 15:15:57

    =) I like your last remark: it’s not about luck, it’s still a blessing.

    True, I see wonderful things happen in ordinary ways. To have a job, to have some foods, to have nice friends etc. although I’ve never won a door prize nor any gift from my workplace^_^. Worse off, I haven’t even got my salary for last month! *crying a river*

    What I’m trying to say is, that I just feel lucky. Although my money is tight, my work is piling and my moped is broken. I know, this is quite unrelated subject (read:joko sembung), but this is me being me. Nice sharing anyway!


  8. Bang Aswi
    May 20, 2010 @ 08:01:22

    What is a lucky? Nothing but that’s just a gift from God. I hope … keberuntungan ini tidak hanya di dunia saja tapi juga nanti di akhirat. Amin.


  9. julianusginting
    May 20, 2010 @ 09:21:20

    i said that gift was a luck… 🙂


  10. lina@happy family
    May 20, 2010 @ 09:43:07

    Thanks for sharing the story, Vicky. I agree with you : let the gift not make us being luck, but it rather makes us being blessed.
    It will avoid us from being stuck with the gift or the giver.

    About Cafe DeDaunan in Bogor, I guess it has no private room. Main course menu is Indonesian food and Western food. I just remember a few menu: Nasi Bali, Chicken Roll, Mix Grill, etc.


    • Vicky Laurentina
      May 20, 2010 @ 10:46:42

      You’re welcome, Mbak Lina.

      I have cousins at Bogor, perhaps I’ll stop by at Dedaunan someday. All I remember about Bogor is just Roti Unyil, Bogor Trade Mall, and Katulampa only.. :mrgreen:


  11. Wiwied
    May 21, 2010 @ 08:05:55

    ::: wish you have a good luck for today, then? ^-^v


  12. Ceritaeka
    May 21, 2010 @ 22:02:57

    Gift = luck?
    Not always right. I often won those free gifts, yes it is my luck for I enjoy it so much, but when people start to be jealous or envy.. it is not a luck anymore 😐 even broke the friendship…


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