Unsuitable for Some People

I dunno actually why the movie was banned to play at Indonesian cinemas. Lotta people told that Indonesian government raised objection to the movie, coz the movie impressed that Indonesia was a sadistic country for East Timorese who actually was its own ones.

Last week Indonesia’s Film Censor Bureau was criticized coz it banned Balibo movie played at Indonesian cinemas. Balibo is a film made by Australia which exposed five of Australian journalists who died while they were covering the battle at East Timor (today: Timor Leste). According to the movie, those journalists died coz Indonesian soldiers shot them.

In the setting of the movie, East Timor was anxious coz some of its people wanted to be Portuguese colony as it used to be, some other wanted to be part of Indonesia, while some other rebelled to build their own country, and then things were messed up. Indonesia wanted East Timor became its part, too, so it sent its soldiers to manage orderliness in East Timor. But the soldiers’ existency just created a new conflict right there, so there were often clashes among some East Timorese and Indonesian soldiers. Probably in the middle of the battle, those Aussie war journalists became victims. This event was famous as Balibo Five, coz those journalists died at some place called Balibo.

There are different kinda versions about the deaths. Some people said that soldiers shot them purposedly. But some other said that these journalists became victim in wrong time and at wrong place. Definitely, their death had inspired to create a movie.

I can get what would happen if the movie was watched by people who didn’t understand history, especially about East Timor. A misunderstood person who just watches this movie in contemplationless, will say that Indonesian soldiers were that cruel to East Timorese. I’ve talked to a citizen of Timor Leste, and he said that even though Indonesia and Timor Leste were brotherhood, but he couldn’t forget how Indonesian government never really treated East Timorese as its people. Indonesian government didn’t develop East Timor well, and just let the province ignored. And when East Timor tried to protest, Indonesia just replied it with guns.

But I’ve also got another interesting testimony. A nurse from Timor Leste who worked in my town today, said that the situation got messed ever since they separated from Indonesia. Lotta foreign countries mixed to instigate East Timorese for separating from Indonesia, just for using East Timor for the foreigners’ stuffs. Thousands East Timoreses had to be refugees and preferred being citizens of Indonesia, coz though Indonesia didn’t manage its economy appropriately, it’s still easier to find a better job in Indonesia, rather than in Timor Leste.

Those testimonies make me aware that history of Timor Leste is such a complex stuff, involving Indonesia’s relationship not only with Timor Leste itself, but also with the other countries which ever been involved in conflict right there, such as Portugal, States, and Australia. We need to understand completely why conflict happened there, including why Timor Leste insisted to declare its own country, and why Indonesia insisted to keep East Timor as a part of Indonesia. And those answers, can’t be learned from just watching Balibo.

Briefly, Balibo is only appropriate to be watched by people who understand history and like to get it completely. Instead of just being assumed as a commercial show in cinema which can be entered by audience who hasn’t been mature enough for understanding a history scene.

I hope DVD of Balibo will be released soon. Coz more stricted a movie is forbidden to play, then it’ll be more enthusiastic people wanna watch it, and much bigger that people’s interest is for selling the pirated movie.

34 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. fahmi!
    Dec 10, 2009 @ 22:08:02

    this interesting film, i’m curious to watch.
    i wonder where could i get a copy of balibo?


  2. Itik Bali
    Dec 11, 2009 @ 00:31:43

    I think this is a good movie
    I was read the review at Gek’s Blog later.


  3. NURA
    Dec 11, 2009 @ 10:49:18

    salam friend
    nice post
    I like your picture,,
    semua keren dan jelas,,jadi seakan merasa ada di sana.. mba VICKY.


  4. julie
    Dec 11, 2009 @ 11:40:48

    baru neh?
    komeng dulu baru baca
    you rock Vic!


  5. Kreatips
    Dec 12, 2009 @ 12:54:29

    U can watch on youtube


  6. Berry Devanda
    Dec 12, 2009 @ 21:32:52

    kayaknya menarik ne mbak…


  7. elia|bintang
    Dec 13, 2009 @ 04:35:14

    wah ini juga saya penasaran gara2 blm nonton.. waktu itu mau diputer si satu tempat, saya udah dateng eh taunya ga jadi.. sejam kl ga salah filmnya ya? pgn nonton.. 😀

    blog baru ini ya mbak? kl ga salah dulu di fs apa blogspot kan?


    • Vicky Laurentina
      Dec 13, 2009 @ 05:37:00

      Kenapa yah, film-film kelas festival hampir selalu sejam?

      Mudah-mudahan pelarangannya cuman di bioskop, tapi nggak merambah ke komunitas film indie.

      Eh ya, ini memang blog anyar. Buat gantiin yang ada di FS..


  8. gunawanrudy
    Dec 13, 2009 @ 17:22:30

    dulu, ketika masih sekolah menengah, saya heran melihat resistansi tak berkesudahan di aceh, papua, maluku, timor. atas nama nasionalisasi yang ditanamkan pemerintah melalui media dan pendidikan, saya ikut mengutuk mereka di sana.

    sekarang, sedikit banyak saya mengerti. betapa rumitnya kehidupan di negara yang sangat kompleks perihal etnis, agama, golongan, ras, seperti indonesia ini.

    *perlahan mulai mengutuk nasionalisme buta*


    • Vicky Laurentina
      Dec 13, 2009 @ 17:49:39

      Sama dong. Saya juga baru ngeh tentang gejolak separatisme, setelah saya punya teman-teman di internet yang tinggal di TKP. Baru saya paham alasan kenapa mereka ingin memisahkan diri, dan kenapa mereka tidak bisa mengerti makna dari “NKRI Harga Mati”.

      Kadang-kadang, untuk memahami suatu masalah, kita perlu memandang dari sudut-sudut pandang yang berbeda.


  9. willy
    Dec 15, 2009 @ 03:39:08

    waduhhh dah pada nonton semua yahh
    gw lom nonton tuhhh
    ntah film apapun dan bagaimana ceritanya gw ga tau
    dmana yahh cari tuhh film/download tp gratis


  10. de asmara
    Dec 15, 2009 @ 11:41:43

    duh, itu semua saudara2 saya 😥 yg berdarah2, yg meratap, yg hidupnya morat-marit… hell with nasionalism kalo faktanya negara ngga menjamin kelayakan dan keamanan mereka! mereka memaksa bercerai jg bukan dg sukacita! saya setuju sama Vicky, tolong lihat big picture-nya secara utuh… ah minta tolong ke siapa saya ini…


    • Vicky Laurentina
      Dec 15, 2009 @ 14:09:10

      Hai, seneng banget denger orang Timor Timurnya sendiri angkat bicara. Saya ikut prihatin lho, dan saya berharap perceraian ini membuat kehidupan di Timor Leste sana lebih baik. Meskipun saya nggak setuju-setuju amat Timor Timur pisah dari Indonesia.


  11. nanaharmanto
    Dec 15, 2009 @ 13:52:12

    I’m never interested in movies of wars….I can’t enjoy the ones full of cry and blood..huks…

    I rarely watch the cinemas, coz I can’t stand on the loud cry of the audience in the dark room…
    I prefer drama movies, or those ones which are based on true story.
    I probably need the copy of this movie somehow…(and watch it at home) to know better about “the fact” behind the rebell of East Timor…thx for the info… 🙂


  12. thepenks
    Dec 15, 2009 @ 15:34:46

    semoga teman2 di IDWS segera bisa dan diupload.. karena biasanya film yang kontroversial malah dicari… [maaf, english nya kurang lancar, jadi pake indon]


  13. krismariana
    Dec 15, 2009 @ 16:29:51

    Actually, I dislike war movies. But, I’m curious about Balibo. I’m still waiting for my friend that will send me the copy of this movie 🙂


  14. septarius
    Dec 15, 2009 @ 16:42:10

    Agak kontroversial sih..
    Pasti ada pro kontra..
    Terimakasih udah berkunjung di blog saya..


  15. dobleh yang malang
    Dec 15, 2009 @ 18:32:10

    kunjungan perdana
    salam hangat selalu

    aku belum nonton filmnya


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  18. Agung Pushandaka
    May 22, 2010 @ 11:13:02

    The Indonesian government takes it too serious. It is just a movie eventhough it is based on true story. It just a view of the creator about a case or history. It will be better if the government make their version movie than ban the Balibo.


    • Vicky Laurentina
      May 22, 2010 @ 15:50:29

      Thank God I’ve seen the movie. 🙂
      I don’t think that the government should ban Balibo. You’re rite, Sir, the movie was just made frow a point of view which was different from Indonesia.

      We often make news at tv which may insult other countries, such as Malaysia, Oz, States, or Israel. But they never ban us. Nor they don’t even care.


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