Why Indonesia Banned “Noah”

Scene of "Noah"

Scene of “Noah”

The Darren Aronofsy’s latest movie, “Noah” (2014) was banned in Indonesia today. The film which you can find the trailer right here casted Russell Crowe, Jennifer Connelly and Emma Watson were forbidden to be played in Indonesia.

This movie is another epic colosal story after Crowe made his great performance in “Gladiator” by 2000.

Indonesian Film Forum decided to ban the movie because of the worriness that the movie would create new polemic among the religious communities in this country. Not just Indonesia which banned the movie, but neither did other Islamic countries such as Pakistan, Qatar, and United Arab Emirates.

Islam ruled that prophets and their wives are respected like saint, and portraying them are not appropriate. These portraying actions are such as creating pictures, sculptures, and even playing act as their roles. Portraying them can create imagination in someone’s mind that the prophet is like the portray objects, and not just can improve their belief in their prophets, but also can even bother their belief which can tend to ruin the belief itself.

This banning of Noah is the second movie which banned by Indonesia because of the reason above. By 1998, Indonesia banned “The Prince of Egypt” to be played in Indonesia because the cartoon film portrayed Moses.

11 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. The Sanguine
    Mar 26, 2014 @ 15:50:38

    Owyah? It’s being banned? Oh too bad. 😦 Biasanya kalo di-banned justru orang makin penasaran. :p


  2. Eduard de Grave
    Mar 31, 2014 @ 19:23:23

    tunggu 5 bulan lagi sudah ORI versi blueray di torrent macam piratebay. kalo skrg masih versi handycam :mrgreen:


  3. ayas
    Apr 02, 2014 @ 14:31:17

    oo baru tau juga saya mbak.. dah lama ga ngikutin hbo. ya, kalau berhubungan dengan agama agak susah juga. karena semua orang harus menghormati cara pandang beragama semua orang. thx infonya.


  4. jarwadi
    Apr 12, 2014 @ 07:42:23

    malah jadi penasaran, kalau gitu nunggu free download di torrent saja kalau di Indonesia diban, hehe


  5. paula
    Jul 18, 2014 @ 10:20:17

    Udah liat nih film-nya…Memang melenceng banget dari yang asli baik versi Kristen maupun Islam kayaknya. Tapi gak perlu di banned menurutku. We people are smart enough to know it was just a movie.
    Malah heran kenapa juga Russel Crowe dan Emma Watson mau main film begituan. Berasa nonton Transformer zaman purba hehehehehe


    • Vicky Laurentina
      Jul 18, 2014 @ 12:20:15

      Mungkin Mas Russell dan Dek Emma nggak mikirin idealisme. Mungkin yang difokuskan lebih ke aspek hiburan ketimbang aspek latar belakang film ini. Mungkin film ini memang cuman untuk komunitas haus-hiburan, bukan untuk penonton-yang-senang-berpikir-dan-merenung. Dan komentar ini menggunakan terlalu banyak kata “mungkin”.


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