Saga of Little Missy

At 1886, Brazil was influenced by Republican to quit slavery of black people who was forced to work in coffee farm belonged to white lords. It was campaigned by educated youth in Araruna, a small town full of coffee farms. The hugest farm belonged to a very cruel land-owner named Coronel Ferreira (Rubens de Falco/Osmar Prado), which more well-known as Baron.

Sinha Moca (1986). Photo taken from

Coronel lived in a mansion with his playboy alcoholic cousin named Aristides. In the house also lived a pretty black maid named Maria Das Dores (Dudu de Moraes). Once upon a time Das Dores got pregnant, and she deliveried a white baby named Rafael.

Then Aristides passed away. Coronel took care of Das Dores and his baby-boy in his mansion. A year later, Coronel married a beautiful lady named Candida (Elaine Cristina/Patrícia Pillar), whom later given him a daughter named Sinha Moça, which later had nickname Missy. Then, Missy (Lisandra Campos) and Rafael (Selton Mello) grew up together like siblings.

Baron was curious that Little Missy had fallen in love prematurely with Little Rafael. So he sold Das Dores and Rafael to the São Paulo. Then Missy begged Candida to send her to a school at São Paulo, so she could execute her hidden agenda to find Rafael.

The grown-up Missy (Lucélia Santos/Débora Falabella) couldn’t find Rafael. At her school, she learnt how slavery was intolerable to human rights. So she went home, and she wanted to ask Baron for giving freedom to his slaves.

Missy tried to beg Baron for allowing Adelaide to work as her maid.

Missy tried to beg Baron for allowing Adelaide to work as her maid. Photo taken from

Missy dated a handsome lawyer named Rodolfo Fontes (Marcos Paulo/Danton Mello), a Republican who also wanted to stop slavery at Araruna. But he found out that it was so hard for approach Baron to set the slaves free, while he wanted to win Baron’s heart to let him marry Missy. So he pretended that he supported slavery.

Missy misunderstood Rodolfo’s manouvre and she fell back into Rafael (Raymundo de Souza/Eriberto Leão), who returned to Araruna with a new identity named Dimas, an educated guy who worked as a journalist in a newspaper of Augusto (Luis Carlos Arautin/Carlos Vereza). Actually Rafael was in undercover to Araruna coz actually he wanted to kill Missy’s dad.

This serial doesn’t only talk about Republican’s courage to fight the slavery which covered in awkward love story about Missy and Rodolfo. It also exposes other issues, such as girls’ effort to be prominent like men, but their way were inhibited by their own gender. A girl named Ana Texeira (Patrícia Pillar/Isis Valverde), which was forced by her own mom, Nina (Norma Blum/Gisele Fróes) to be veiled for the name of a Catholic saint, since she was a little girl and only might open it when she had already married Rodolfo.

The caste friction also happened to a white lawyer guy named Dr Jose Coutinho (Tato Gabus/Eduardo Pires), who wanted to marry Baron’s beautiful black slave named Adelaide (Solange Couto/Lucy Ramos). His dad (Ivan Mesquita/Orton Bastos) refused it coz shame of having a black daughter-in-law. While Adelaide had been engaged to a black slave named Justino (Antõnio Pompéo/Alexandre Moreno). Adelaide was stressed coz she loved the white Jose more than the black Justino.

Baron’s slaves were suffered coz they were tortured by a slave hunter (Tony Tornado). This hunter was a black who thought that he was a white. Baron freed one of his slave, Virginia “Bá” (Chica Xavier/Zezé Motta), to breastfeed Missy as Missy was a baby, and to provide enough breast-milk, Baron sold Bá’s baby-boy. Bá never knew that actually Baron kept the baby in slave village, grew him up and named him Bastião (Cosme dos Santos/Fabricio Boliveira), and employed him as his mansion’s servant to keep him close with Bá.

While Baron’s slaves were dying to be free, there were Justo (Grande Otelo/Gésio Amadeu) and Ruth (Jacyra Sampaio), ex-slaves who refused to live free and prefer serving the family of Rodolfo.

There are lotta grey characters here. Fool Frei Jose (Claudio Correa e Castro/Elias Gleizer) who defended to slave’s rights but afraid of Baron. Fulgencio (Gésio Amadeu/Sérgio Menezes), Baron’s slave who pretended being blind to trick the slave hunter. And Antero (Claudio Mamberti/Jackson Antunes) who betrayed Republican coz he didn’t wanna lose his job as Araruna’s sheriff.

The serial also mentioned typical issue of soap opera. Rodolfo’s brother, Ricardo (Daniel Dantas/Bruno Gagliasso), kept chasing Ana coz he thought Ana was beautiful beyond her veil. But after Ana got her cover opened up, Ricardo just got a crush on Dona Candida who was much older than him. Candida, was suffered under Baron’s pressure coz she couldn’t give him a son.

Rafael refused Missy’s love. He had got a crush on Juliana (Luciana Braga/Vanessa Giácomo), grand-daughter of Augusto who had been his shelter. The blue Missy, couldn’t understand Rafael’s refusal, coz Rafael kept his secret that actually he wasn’t biological son of Das Dores with Aristides. Instead, his biological father was Baron, and Baron really never noticed that actually he had already owned his dreamt son, and too bad that the son came up from a black woman..

The serial was made secondly at 1986, and played in Indonesisa about 1990 each Sunday afternoon. It was my favorite serial coz it’s fully loaded by political issue. Now, Sinha Moça/Little Missy had been remade for third time in 2006, and it was played on Indonesia in CT Channel, 7 PM, from Monday-Friday.


30 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. fahmi!
    May 04, 2010 @ 05:57:51

    i’m looking forward to hear the story of little laurent, hehe 😀


  2. Bang Aswi
    May 04, 2010 @ 07:37:19

    Halaaaaaaaaah, secara saya gak pernah menonton serial ini jadi weee bingung gimana mengomentarinya. Cuma, saya orang klasih yang suka dengan serial ‘Little House on the Praire’. Masih ingat? Yang dibintangi oleh Michael Londong. Itulah serial yang paling berkesan … ^_^


  3. Asop
    May 04, 2010 @ 07:44:53

    Ini sejenis telenovela ‘kan? 😀
    Jaman saya SD dulu, kayak gini kesukaan pembantu saya…. :mrgreen:


  4. frozzy
    May 04, 2010 @ 13:06:20

    Dputar lagi di stasiun tv lokal, B-channel


  5. dina
    May 04, 2010 @ 17:29:20

    FYI, sejak senin 3 May 2010. Sinha moca sudah tidak diputar jam 19.00 lagi. Diganti dengan serial korea.

    Kalau tidak salah tayang jam 11 siang (waktunya orang kerja)….. ughhhh……


  6. arieborneo
    May 04, 2010 @ 20:52:47

    Met malm mba n salam hangat aja…little missy serial telenovela pertama yg sukses di televis indonesia…tpi saya paling suka karakternya fulgencio yg lucu cara bicaranya…!!
    Mav ga bs bhasa inggris mba…tpi sya mash sdikit ingat serial telenovela ini..


  7. aan
    May 04, 2010 @ 23:11:25

    sy cuman inget nama2nya,litle missy,tuan baron,rudolfo cs kalo jalan critanya ngga mudeng,soalnya dulu kan masih seneng aja dulu kalo nonton serial ini ngga pernah rebutan remote..soalnya tv yg ada remotenya jg blm ada..ehehe, btw ini blog lainya jg y mba,,kayaknya pernah liat gituu kalo ngga salah di kompasania..mantap euy,


    • Vicky Laurentina
      May 07, 2010 @ 00:01:17

      Hahaha..iya, jaman dulu sih tivi belum ada remote-nya. Waktu kemudian bapak saya beli tivi yang pake remote, saya langsung merasa keren sekali.. *ndeso-nya kumat*

      Sekarang saya dan bapak saya berantem melulu rebutan remote. Saya pingin nonton film, tapi bapak saya maunya nonton bal-balan..

      Ini blog kadang-kadang ditulis di Kompasiana juga. Biasalah, buat memperluas variasi penonton.. 😀


  8. Lilah haryoko
    May 06, 2010 @ 11:34:10

    Salam sahabat…..
    Wah, lgkp nih crita serialnya sesuai dg bhs aslinya ?


  9. Itik Bali
    May 06, 2010 @ 11:39:51

    hehehe…kayanya film jadul abis ya mbak?
    tapi yang jadul2 biasanya lebih mutu dan sekarang banyak dicari


  10. tukang komen
    May 06, 2010 @ 20:30:13

    wew…. sempat berkerut kening saat baca artikel ini, sepertinya famioiar banget…. eeeh.. bener… serial jaman aku smp ini sangat populer waktu itu… cikal bakal telenovela masuk Indonesia, tapi yg ini top, sangat berbobot jalan ceritanya, gak cuman love story sama rebutan warisan doank…


    • Vicky Laurentina
      May 06, 2010 @ 21:33:27

      *langsung bisa nebak beda umur antara Mas Triyono dan saya*

      Love story-nya malah nggak kentara, Mas. Lebih dominan intrik politik dan dokumentasi perbudakannya. Kalo cuman nunggu cerita waniTA-harTA-tahTA doang, bisa bosen sendiri lantaran fokusnya nggak di situ.. 😀


  11. Tour, Food, and Health
    May 08, 2010 @ 09:16:13

    wahhh..telenovela pertama..hari minggu selalu dinanti oleh orang sekampung untuk nonton filem ini…

    salam sehat,


  12. arieborneo
    May 08, 2010 @ 15:42:08

    Lama ni g brkunjung, ane mampir lg nie mba…slam hangat n sukses slalu z…


  13. bubu
    May 16, 2010 @ 13:52:05

    lagi brows cari buku tentang sinha moca eh terdampar disini.
    tergoda brows juga karena jadi keranjingan nonton ni serial versi baru di tv. kalo di jakarta ada di B-TV nah kalo di bandung ada di CTChannel.
    waktu jaman SD gak ngeh ceritanya kaya gimana, cuman suka aja liatin bajunya hihihi
    kalo sekarang baru deh ngeh gitu toh ceritanya. jadi penasaran ama akhirnya gimana??? ada yang tau???
    ada yang tau juga gak buku sinha moca tapi pake bahasa indonesia!?


    • Vicky Laurentina
      May 16, 2010 @ 15:04:21

      Dulu sempat nonton episode terakhirnya sih. Baron akhirnya ngakuin Rafael sebagai anaknya, setelah Das Dores datang dan buka mulut. Terus Baron tewas, hehehe..

      Missy n Rodolfo kawin lah, pastinya.
      Yang paling lucu, gara-gara Baron koit, Candida akhirnya jadian sama Ricardo.. :-p

      Sebenarnya film yang sekarang sama aja kayak yang dulu. Termasuk bajunya masih sama, kayak yang nyimpen kurungan ayam di dalam roknya, hihihi.. :mrgreen:

      Dulu ada novelnya lho, judulnya Sinha Moca terbitan Gramedia. Ada empat jilid:
      1. Putri Seorang Pemilik Budak
      2. Pembalasan Para Budak
      3. Harta Emas Keluarga Ferreira
      4. Api Keadilan

      Tapi sekarang tuh novel-novel nggak diedarin lagi, fufufu.. 😦


  14. Devi
    Aug 31, 2010 @ 10:13:34

    Asyik banged.. pokoknya gk pernah mau ktinggalan, dr zaman dulu waktu SD. sekarang ada versi barunya di CTChannel tiap senin-jumat jam 8 malem, pokoknya ketinggalan sehari aja.. kayak ada yang kurang gitchu.. i love u Rodolvo (abis ganteng banget sich….) Ricardo juga, meski bego tp ganteng juga.. pokoknya jg sampe gk nonton..


  15. ryani_puspita
    Sep 20, 2010 @ 22:25:06

    maaf mbak ikutan comment nih : iya ya mbak kok nyonya candida mau sama ricardo, padahal ricardo orangnya aneh “agak bodo” berati nyonya candida ngak setia sama baron ya………mbok kalau cari gantinya Baron, yang lebih dari Baron, sudah nenek-nenek mau sama brondong………..tobat.tobat……..tobat……….


    • Vicky Laurentina
      Sep 20, 2010 @ 22:31:34

      Ahahaha..iya ya, saya juga bingung. Ricardo tuh emang aneh banget, jauh lah kalo dibandingin sama Rodolfo. Tapi tetep aja Candida akhirnya mau sama Ricardo. Meskipun saya pikir alasannya agak dangkal juga sih. Mosok sih, ada orang yang mau-maunya sama berondong cuman gara-gara alasan “naksir”? Apalagi orangnya sudah setua Candida gitu lho..


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